Dear customers,
The Customer Service Charter aims at introducing customers to their rights and duties in order to obtain high quality services to provide excellent services that meet your ambitions and desires in a government service environment.
The Customer Service Charter contributes to the overall review of the Municipality's role, operations and reorganization, as this role serves the community and contributes to the realization of the economic vision of the Kingdom of Bahrain 2030.

  • • Our responsibility towards customers:
  • - Dealing with your needs professionally and responding to them in accordance with laws and regulations.
  • - Providing high quality and efficient services in an efficient, orderly and transparent manner, in record time and without delay in accordance with laws and regulations.
  • - Providing services during official working hours through a professional and cooperative team that keeps the confidentiality of our clients' information.
  • - Dealing with a team that has the experience and knowledge of the services provided, and this team understands your needs and can answer your inquiries with all professionalism and credibility.
  • - Dealing with problems that may occur while providing the service privately.
  • - Reduce the procedures to meet your needs quickly in accordance with laws and regulations.
  • - Providing accurate information in order to ensure the provision of high quality service in accordance with laws and regulations.
  • • your comments and suggestions are welcome.
  • Customer Duties:
  • - Compliance with the laws and regulations issued by Southern municipality.
  • - Provide all required documents to provide the services as soon as possible.
  • - Inform the team if there is an error or modification on the data as soon as possible.
  • - Respond the team's inquiries to serve you accurately and as soon as possible according to laws and regulations.
  • - Share your ideas and positive and negative views by visiting Tawasul website.

Thank You
We Strive To Meet Your Needs, We Are Honored To Serve You.