
The municipality of the southern region intensifies its efforts during the rainy season by providing 26 tanks and forming an emergency team

The municipality of the southern region intensifies its efforts during the rainy season by providing 26 tanks and forming an emergency team

The municipality of the southern region continued to intensify all efforts and energies by forming an emergency team to suck rainwater in all the compounds of the southern region, in cooperation with the Ministry of Works, Municipalities Affairs and Urban Planning.<br /><br />Where 26 tanks were provided to suction rainwater gatherings, starting from emergency sites, on public and main streets, and near homes and residential neighborhoods.<br /><br />The number of rainwater reports received recently reached 57, which were immediately addressed by the emergency team. The rainwater gatherings were sucked in about 101 sites. The number of shipments that were sucked reached 845, amounting to 4,225,000 gallons.