
Agriculture Import Export application

Launch Service


Import permit application is a completely atomized system to issue import permits for agricultural consignments. In order to apply for a permit customer should be authorized by Plant Wealth Directorate. To get the authentication to use the system customer must register and Plant Wealth Directorate should approve your registration.

To download the user manual, click here

Commercial Entity
Other Entities
Service Delivery Channels
Service Procedures and Steps
Service Procedures and Steps
1. Create an Account /Login
2. Approval by the internal user
3. To apply for a new permit, click on ‘Apply for Import Permit’.
4. Enter the details requested
5. Attach document and submit request
6. The agricultural examination team will examine and approve the application.
7. Fees Payment.
8. Final approvals.
9. User is notified with the result.
The required documents
1. Consignment supporting document.
2. Non-GMO declaration from the producing company
3. Purity and germination report
4. Registration certificate for fertilizers and soil conditioners issued by soil and fertilizer section.
Service fee
Fees: 10 BHD for fees applicable products

For online Payment:

Terms and Conditions
Non-paid applications will be cancelled automatically from the system after one month from its readiness for payment.
How to apply pay the fees /deposit ?
-SADAD payment Service
- Municipality Online Payment service

For online Payment: